onsdag 18 december 2013

Last gym lesson with Jenny

Jenny has been a substitute this term and has been absolutely fantastic with the children. She explains the rules of games each new lesson.
For the last lesson, the games had a Christmas theme. Decorate the tree! Which do you think looked best?

F-1 Christmas house activities


Everyone thought it was fun to have an activity day in the whole house....Celeste put a whole star together- beautiful!

tisdag 17 december 2013

Christmas surprises with our mentor class 4b

 1b and 4b "made" "baked" and "created" little surprises to put in the boxes. We mixed them all together and everyone got a surprise box!

      Everyone impatiently waiting for their surprise box.

fredag 13 december 2013


Our children loved it! They thought it was really good and even mysterious.

torsdag 12 december 2013

Chilling out during Fritids


Chill time during Fritids- playing on the iPad, drawing and playing with Lego!

Last weighing and balancing science lesson of the term

              Lesson introduction and preparation: how many ingredients are equivalent to 10 blocks? 
               Preparing material, estimating and weighing

                  Recording findings!

onsdag 11 december 2013

Julfrossa at theatre Pero

The children loved it! Lots of Christmas vibes with songs, jokes and short sketches about Christmas.

torsdag 5 december 2013

Peas or macaroni...?

This week the children sorted dried peas, cereal, sunflower seeds and macaroni according to what they thought the weight was. Next they tested their hypotheses. Then they guessed how many cubes were equivalent to each food sample. And of course they tested their guesses.
Senses at work! Interesting!



Working with our Picture Dictionaries

Looking for words....
Checking the spelling.......
Sticking finished work in book...

Fritids outing to see the Ginger Bread exhibition at the Architecture museum


The exhibition was extremely inspiring and smelled yummy!


Our Fantastic Christmas Calendar



Every child wrote a little poem which was put in our Christmas calendar. We started opening it on Tuesday. Here are Alexander, Astrid and Carmen reading the poems we found. Great work writing those poems! It is also very exciting to open the Windows and read the poems you find!