fredag 29 november 2013

Listening to a story on Thanksgiving



Thanks Daryl. It was interesting to hear about the Pilgrim's journey and why Thanksgiving is celebrated.

torsdag 28 november 2013

Celebrating Advent

   We went to St Stefan church to celebrate first advent


Eva discussing with Ingrid (the deputy head)...

Victor, Tasha and Saga were brave and great candidates for reading advent verses in front of half the school and Victor lit the candle.

tisdag 26 november 2013

fredag 22 november 2013

Week 47 - music lesson


Singing songs, adding action and movement. 40 minutes of FUN!!! The children love music class.


Saskia took us to Mexico by her presentation with maps, photos and interesting stories about turtles and more. Thank you Saskia!

Week 46 - Science, Going mobile...

For NTA (Science) this week last week the children created mobiles out of paper, straws and paperclips. The aim of was of course to find balance...

Week 47 - quiet reading



torsdag 21 november 2013

Week 47 - Science : Sorting objects according to their weight.

Feeling the objects. Which object is heavier?

Recording the hypothesis. Drawing the objects sorted- from the lightest object to the heaviest.

Finally, testing the hypothesis. Was what we thought right? Which was really the right order of weight?

onsdag 20 november 2013

Week 47 - maths: introduction to data recording and graphs

The other half of the class were also introduced to tally marks, a way for recording data.

The children practised data recording exercises on an iPad app.
"This is fun!" said Vincent.

A sample graph we did together in class.

fredag 15 november 2013

Math lesson

Half of the group started working on a graph project this week. The first stage was working with tally marks..

Johannes goes Halloweeeeen....!

We had a day full with activities of all sorts, here are some of us all dressed up, do you recognize us?

Spooky stories and Songs!

We were fortunate to have Carmen's grandparents here again for Halloween! And we sang the Spooky song and heard a great story. Thank you so much!

Chess lesson!

We were fortunate to have Ingvar Gunesson all to ourselves one afternoon, and he taught some chess games that let us explore the chess pieces, one at a time...