söndag 24 mars 2013

News week 12

Hi everybody!

We are happy to be writing our Newsletter on the blog for the first time! We aim for this to become our main channel of briefing you on what we have done during the week and also provide info regarding homework etc.

If you sign up as a member of the page and provide your email address, what we post will automatically be sent to your email-adress. Bear with us if there are any complications doing this...

Now to our past week,
Yathzee has been played! A great way to practice addition and something we recommend for a fun evening at home. We made it simpler by playing with three die only.

Working on a fun art project has also been a major activity this week, using watercolor and thinking alot about different spaces. 

We have also used the iPads, in pairs, writing about their favorite animal. And drawing illustrations. Last week they finished writing about friendship and how you can be a good friend.

During yesterday's surprise fire drill yesterday several children got scared, while some were a little over excited. It was a good reminder for all of us to always wear our indoor shoes and not worry about bringing our bags. The aim being to go out as calmly and quickly as possible.

It is Earth hour on Saturday and it would be great if many can switch off their lights and electricity and see what fun things you can think of doing using only candle light in the dark! We'll talk about it in school on Tuesday.

Next week on Thursday March 28th, school ends after lunch and fritids takes over from then. Fritids would like all the children to be picked up by 16 o'clock, since it is a day before a holiday.

Please read the notes from the last school council which has been sent to you by email :)

Umbrella, underwear, UFO's, unicorn were some things brought in for "U". We love the spread!

Next Week 13:

* Monday 25/3 - Bring things beginning with "W" for Monday's Alphabet corner.
Also bring in your Home Story Books! We will not give out any new homestory books
over Easterbreak, but hope you keep up the reading anyway. :)

* Wednesday 27/3 - Show and Tell for Stella, Victor,Vincent, Sam and Marcus!
APT-remember to pick up before 16.00!

* Thursday 28/3 - School ends after lunch. Please pick up before 16.00.

* Week 14 - Easter break!

A real mozaique!!! Which one did you paint?  :)

Have a Sunny Weekend!                                                

 Eva, Delphine and Robson

Many teeth have been dropped this month!